The ARMY APPRENTICE ... remember with pride

Commemorative Tablet Locator

Finding the position of a tablet in the memorial

The tablets have been built into the memorial floor in 62 groups (Modules) of 9 tablets per module. As you walk onto the memorial over the entrance step, modules 1 to 30B are on your left and modules 31 to 61 are on your right.

Open the PDF document 'Tablet Module list' in the link below (You will need a free copy of Adobe Reader loaded in your program files), find the name you are searching for, which will indicate your module number.

1. The Module number is in the second column in the list.
2. For example: Gordon G. Bonner is located in Module 18.
3. Next refer to the Memorial Plan View and you will note that Module 18 is located in the left hand side of the memorial (in clockwise direction).
4. Modules 31 to 61 runs in an anti-clockwise direction from the right hand side of the memorial entrance slab.

For printing out image below

Tablet map  addedw

Tablet module position map

Mem 5-11-8-30w

Start of Modules 1 & 2

30th August, photo by Mo Hope