Army Apprentice National Association
Annual General Meeting
Held at the National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas, Staffordshire Saturday 3rd September 2022
Commencing at 1530 Hrs
Members Present:
Johnny McGahan (Chairman / NMA Liaison Officer) – Harrogate Glyn Marsh (Treasurer) – Harrogate
Steve Joyce (Secretary) – Carlisle Peter Forster (Webmaster)– Harrogate Terry Hanman – Harrogate
Jim Smith – Harrogate Len Morland – Harrogate Mick Johnson – Harrogate Mick Taylor – Harrogate
Colin Weir – Chepstow Ken Carver – Carlisle
Garry Kelly (Chaplain) – Carlisle Gordon Bonner – Arborfield Rob Cross – Harrogate
Apologies Received: Roger Traves – Arborfield
Chairman’s Welcome:
The Chairman, Johnny McGahan, welcomed all to the meeting, and reported that the rules for the new
association have been adopted, albeit now amended as reported in the minutes of the AANMT, to
include the wording ‘Army Apprentices’ preceding Junior Soldiers’
Matters Arising:
There were no matters arising
Management Committee: Chairman – Johnny McGahan Treasurer – Glyn Marsh Secretary – Steve Joyce
Webmaster – Peter Forster
All present agreed that this is a large enough committee at this early stage of the association.
Association Subscriptions:
The Chairman suggested that Association should be asked to renew their annual subscription of £100
(Arborfield have already made theirs for this year). All agreed, but some difficulties were raised
due to some associations not having membership subscriptions. Ken will take this request back to
his members (Carlisle) and Len to his (Harrogate). The Secretary was asked to contact the Secretary
of Chepstow Association.
Treasurers Report:
The Treasurers report is attached to these minutes.