AGM 2023
Army Apprentice National Association
Annual General Meeting
Held at the National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas, Staffordshire Saturday 13th May 2023 Commencing
at 1430 Hrs
Members Present:
Johnny McGahan (Chairman / NMA Liaison Officer) – Harrogate
Glyn Marsh (Treasurer) – Harrogate
Steve Joyce (Secretary) – Carlisle
Peter Forster (Webmaster) – Harrogate
Terry Hanman – Harrogate
Len Morland – Harrogate
Mick Johnson – Harrogate
Mick Taylor – Harrogate
Colin Taylor – Carlisle
Ken Carver – Carlisle
Gordon Bonner – Arborfield
Rob Cross – Harrogate
Roger Traves – Arborfield
Chairman’s Welcome
Johnny McGahan welcomed those attending the meeting.
Apologies None received
Matters Arising
Association subscriptions, Ken Carver explained that HOBs do not have subscriptions, so no income
stream. Johnny suggested that maybe the other associations could increase their subscription to
£150 to cover next year’s event. Ken said he didn’t think that would be right, and suggested that
they will pay their £100 subscription for this year, and review the situation next year.
Terry Hanman made a proposal that the secretaries be contacted regarding raising their
subscriptions, before this progressed any further, the Treasurer (Glyn) said he would like to talk
about subscriptions in his report.
Treasurers Report
Glyn explained the finances (Statement attached), and emphasised that Harrogate had also paid
subscriptions missed during Covid-19, a total of £400.
We currently have £900.84 in the bank.
Each year the annual service cost approximately £400, so we currently have the next two years
covered. If we are able to continue the annual donations from the associations at the current
level, we will have sufficient income to continue.
Glyn explained that he is against individual subscriptions from members for a whole host of
reasons, including the administration and justifying value for money.
Looking to the future, Glyn recalls from a previous meeting, that we may be able to seek financial
assistance from Corps charities if needed.
Terry Hanman agreed to withdraw his proposal having listened to Glyn’s explanation.
Many of those present commented that there is a tendency to hold annual reunions by intakes /
trades, rather than more general reunions of corps etc.
Gordon Bonner explained that he has continually explained to the members of the Arborfield
association that they contributed more, as individuals to the construction of the Memorial, and
that they need to support the AANMT / AANA more. Gordon also explained that a few years ago he
suggested that two members of the Arborfield committee should attend our event. To-date they have
failed to do so.
Following extensive discussion regarding membership of the new association, it was proposed by Len
Morland, seconded by Colin Taylor that the Secretary should contact each association secretary and
ask for two volunteers from each of those associations to join the AANA Committee. The proposition
was carried.
AOB (much of which was covered above)
There was a suggestion that members could bring along old service photographs to be displayed at
our evening social event.
Meeting Closed at 1525hrs
Income & Expenditure AANA
Income & Expenditure Statement for the
Army Apprentice National Association
For the period 1st March 2022 – 31st December 2022
Funds as at 1st January 2022
Total Funds £100.84
Income Expenditure
Donations from Assoc. £ 200.00 £ 0.00
Other Donations £100.00 £ 0.00
Deposit Interest £ 0.00
£ 0.00
Total Income £300.00 Total Expenditure £ 0.00
In Year Surplus/(Deficit)£300.00
Funds as at 31st December 2022
Total Funds £400.84
Glyn Marsh Treasurer
Army Apprentice National Association
- The Association’s bank account is held at Natwest Bank, the balance of that account includes
the funds of the Army Apprentice National Memorial Trust as well as that of the association. - Donations were received from The Arborfield Old Boys Association and The Beachy Old Boys
Association. Neither the Association Of Harrogate Apprentices or Hadrian Old Boys have not yet made
any donation to the association.
Balances as at 12th May 2023 General Fund £1,100.84
Army Apprentices National Memorial Trust (AANMT)
Minutes of the AGM held at the National Memorial Arboretum. Alrewas
1300hrs Saturday 13th May 2023
Members Present:
Terry Hanman (Chairman) – Harrogate
Johnny McGahan (Deputy Chairman / NMA Liaison Officer) – Harrogate
Glyn Marsh (Treasurer) – Harrogate
Rob Cross (Events Organiser) – Harrogate
Peter Forster (Webmaster) – Harrogate
Steve Joyce (Secretary) – Carlisle
Jim Smith – Harrogate
Len Morland – Harrogate
Mick Johnson – Harrogate
Ken Carver – Carlisle
Garry Kelly (Chaplain) – Carlisle
Gordon Bonner – Arborfield
Denis Scaife – Chepstow
Philip Day –Chepstow
Colin Taylor – Carlisle
Roger Traves – Arborfield
Apologies Received:
Maj Gen John Stokoe (President)
Chairman’s Welcome
The meeting was opened by Terry Hanman, who welcomed everyone, and thanked them for attending.
Garry Kelly then delivered the Exhortation
Terry expressed his thanks to the committee for their work to make the weekend possible, with particular thanks to Rob Cross for his liaison work with the hotel, and Garry Kelly for his input and work during our Sunday Service.
Matters Arising
There were no Matters Arising
Secretary’s Report
The Secretary raised the topic of hotel / meal booking to see if there were any suggestions of how this could be made easier. Following a short discussion involving Rob our Hotel liaison, it was agreed to leave it as it is.
The Secretary also mentioned the possibility of a poster that could be produced and sent to establishments where we might be able to recruit members from.
The Trustees had been contacted by Email, and have agreed to remain as trustees for the year 2023 – 2024, with the exception of Jim Smith who wished to stand down.
The Trustees for the year are:
Terry Hanman – Chairman
Johnny McGahan – Deputy Chairman
Glyn Marsh – Treasurer
Steve Joyce – Secretary
Rob Cross – Events Organiser
Ken Carver – Trustee
Roger Traves – Trustee
The Chairman thanked Jim for his input during his time as a Trustee.
Copies of the Statement of Accounts were published, and explained by Glyn. A copy will also be attached to these minutes.
Currently there is £543.72 in the AANM account.
A long discussion took place regarding the winding up of the AANM Charity and what to do with the remaining money. Those present were reminded of the decision made last year that the AANM Charity will run for two more years during which time all funds will be exhausted by paying for the Sunday service each year.
Glyn explained that the cost of holding our Sunday memorial service is around £300, including a donation to the pipe band, and once again reiterated that none of the money held is spent on our social event.
Roger Traves explained to those present that he has been asked by the Arborfield association, to request that the AANM charity is closed immediately, and the remaining funds transferred to the new AANA.
We were reminded that when a charity is wound up, the remaining funds must be passed to a charitable organisation. The AANA is not a registered charity.
Once this year’s money is paid out to the NMA, we won’t have enough remaining in the account to fully fund the 2024 service. The balance will be funded from the AANA account. It is anticipated that the required actions will take place to close the AANM charity, following our 2024 AGM.
Webmaster’s Report:
Colin Taylor, who currently maintains the existing Army Apprentice National Memorial web site, gave an update on the website. Colin suggested that this web site could form the foundations of the new Army Apprentices National Association web site. The name can be changed and the site tidied up to meet the demands of the new association. It was agreed that Peter and Colin would work together to achieve this. There was a long discussion on the security of the web site to protect the integrity of its contents, and access beyond the ‘front page’ being restricted.
Summing up, the Chairman requested Colin to propose that the AANMT website will be wound up and renamed for the AANA, and passed to Peter to reconstruct as the new website. The proposition was seconded by Gordon Bonner and carried unanimously by those present.
Event’s Organiser’ Report
Rob said he had little to report other than the timings for the evening meal, and that he had produced place names with details of the meal selected, to make things easier.
NMA Liaison Officers & Legacy Fund Report
Johnny reported that the original agreement with the NMA allowed for free use of a room for up to four times per year. When booking a room for our ‘after service gathering’, he was told there will be a charge for the room! Johnny will be having a meeting with the NMA management to remind them of the original agreement. Gordon offered his support if needed, as he was fully aware of the agreement.
The legacy fund of £40,000 given to the NMA for the continued maintenance of the memorial was now down to around £37,700, due to the recent poor return on the investment. The NMA have now moved the money to receive a better return on the investment.
Peter Forster raised the question of changing the domain name for the new AANA website. It was pointed out that this should be a question for the AANA meeting which follows this one.
Date of next meeting: Saturday 11th May 2024. Commencing at 1300hrs.
There being no further business to attend to, the meeting closed at 1405 hrs, with the Kohima Epitaph given by Garry Kelly
Distribution list:
Secretary – Arborfield
Secretary – Harrogate
Secretary – Chepstow
Secretary – Carlisle
Income & Expenditure Statement for AANMT
Income & Expenditure Statement for the
Army Apprentice National Memorial Trust
For the period 1st January 2022 – 31st December 2022
Funds as at 1st January 2022
Total Funds £1,047.96
Income Expenditure
Donations from Assoc. £ 0.00 Web Hosting £ 14.39
Other Donations £ 0.00 Pipes & Drums £ 100.00
£ 0.00
Total Income £ 0.00 Total Expenditure £ 114.39
In Year Surplus/(Deficit)£ (114.39)
Funds as at 31st December 2022
Total Funds £ 933.57
Glyn Marsh
Army Apprentice National Memorial
- Separate to the Trust funds we also hold £23 on behalf of the Reunion Entertainment fund
Fund values as at 12th May 2023 - AANM £543.72
- Entertainment £ 23.00
2021 AGM
Minutes of the 11th AGM held at the National Memorial Arboretum Alrewas 13:00hrs Saturday 4th September 2021
Members Present:
Johnny McGahan (Deputy Chairman/NMA Liaison Officer) – Harrogate
Glyn Marsh (Treasurer) – Harrogate
Roger Traves (Temp Secretary) – Arborfield
James Smith – Harrogate
John Stokoe (President) – Harrogate
Rob Cross – Harrogate
Peter Forster – Harrogate
Len Morland – Harrogate
Mick Taylor – Harrogate
Gordon Bonner – Arborfield
Bill Hough – Arborfield
Terry Hanman – Harrogate
Apologies Received:
Garry Kelly – (Chairman & Chaplin) – Carlisle
Steve Joyce – (Secretary) – Carlisle
David Chapman – Chepstow
Max Warwick – Arborfield
Colin Taylor – Carlisle
Keith Thrower – Arborfield
Bill McGinn – Events Organiser – Carlisle
Mike Davies – Arborfield
Bill Duncan – Harrogate
Muarice Snooks – Harrogate
1. Chairman’s Welcome
The meeting was opened by Johnny McGahan who welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending the meeting especially those who had travelled a long distance. He explained that in the absence of the Chairman, Rev Gary Kelly who was unable to attend, he would chair the AGM. He passed a copy of the agenda to all present.
Johnny explained that Steve Joyce was recovering at home after surgery and thanked Roger Traves for temporally standing as secretary.
As not everyone had seen the minutes of the EGM dated 22 February 2020 Johnny read them out and some copies were distributed to members.
2. Matters Arising
Roger had received a letter from Mike Tizard that raised a number of issues concerning the 2 organisations, one charity based and the other not. The majority at the meeting generally thought it to be a matter of misunderstanding. Len Morland suggested that we should deal with this issue after the meeting at the hotel and together produce a short statement explaining the reasons for the existence of the Army Apprentice National Association (AANA) and its role. This was to help those who are dubious about the AANMT & AANA running in parallel. This document has been drafted and will be distributed with these minutes and issued to all the Association Secretary’s.
Rob Cross also raised the point that the qualification for membership of the AANMT and AANA did not include those that attended the Foundation College. These students are called junior soldiers not apprentices. He proposed that we should include Junior Soldiers.
Proposed: Rob Cross. Seconded: Glyn Marsh. CARRIED.
3. Election of the Trustees
The current Trustees are:
Garry Kelly – Chairman and Chaplain (Carlisle)
Johnny McGahan – Deputy Chairman and NMA Liaison Officer (Harrogate) Steve Joyce – Secretary (Carlisle)
Glyn Marsh – Treasurer (Harrogate)
Bill McGinn – Events Organiser (Carlisle) Rob Cross – Harrogate)
Ken Carver – (Carlisle) James Smith – (Harrogate) Roger Traves – (Arborfield)
The Trustees present agreed to continue and were elected for another year. Those not present were also elected and will be contacted to get their agreement.
4. Secretary’s Report
Due to the absence of Steve Joyce there was no Secretary’s Report.
5. Treasurer’s Report
Glyn explained that the AANMT has received no funding during the pandemic period, but there have been some small costs.
Copies of the statements of accounts for the AANMT for the period 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019 and for the period 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2020 were distributed. They are also attached to these minutes.
Glyn asked if the accounts could be accepted. Proposed: Rob Cross.
Seconded: Len Morland.
A statement for the AANA for the period 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2020 were handed out to members at the subsequent meeting and they are attached to these minutes.
Fund values as at 4 September 2021 are: a. AANMT £1.300.55
b. Entertainment £123.00
Glyn explained the problems with opening a new bank account in the name of the Trust , due to it be registered with the Charities Commission, The previous treasurer
had experienced similar problems and found an alternative solution. The Association has opened a bank account and is currently holding the funds of the Trust on its behalf. The Association has no funds of its own.
6. Webmaster’s Report
David Schofield has been doing some work on the Web but he is becoming unable to continue due to ill health. Glyn Marsh has been helping to run the site; also Colin Taylor has agreed to help out. However we need a volunteer webmaster. Peter Forster may be a candidate and will have a look at what is needed, but he has not committed himself yet.
7. Events Organiser’s Report
Due to the absence of Bill McGinn there was no Events Organiser’s Report.
8. NMA Liaison Officers and Legacy Fund Report.
The Chairman reported that on inspection it was found that lichen had grown on the face of the monolith and on some gold leaf lettering. The sand slits required to be topped up also in some areas of the base the mortar was missing and required re- pointing. The whole base needed a general clean up. The NMA have been informed and have actioned all but the re-pointing. This will be actioned in the near future.
The Legacy Fund stands at £39,032.41
9. AOB
Johnny McGahan reported that a private room had been booked for dinner at the hotel at a cost of £100. He suggested that this cost be shared amongst those attending which worked out at approximately £5 per person. The Treasurer Glyn Marsh suggested that the £123 that had accrued from entertainment donations from previous years be used instead.
Proposed: Glyn Mash Seconded: Terry Hanman. CARRIED
The Chairman gave his thanks to Mo Hope for producing the order for the Dedication Service and to Rob Cross for doing the printing of the programmes at his own cost.
The Chairman mentioned that it might be a good idea for future Army Apprentice weekends to be held on the first weekend in September as this is the anniversary of our memorial Dedication Ceremony. Although there was not a formal vote all present agreed, so the 11th anniversary Army Apprentice weekend will be held on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th September 2022.
There being no further business to attend to the Chairman closed the meeting at 1410 hrs.
10. NB:
The following Trustees who were not present at this meeting have agreed to stand for another year. They are: Garry Kelly – (Carlisle), Steve Joyce – (Carlisle), Bill McGinn – (Carlisle) & Ken Carver – (Carlisle)
Colin Taylor has agreed to take on the vacant post of Webmaster.
Bill McGinn has informed us that due to family health problems he cannot continue on with the Events Organiser post.
Garry Kelly who was elected as Chairman has now declined, so Johnny will stand in until a new Chairman is found.
Attachments: [can be seen on request]
Income & Expenditure Statements
AANMT & AANA Clarification document
2019 AGM
5th May 2019 AGM Minutes
Army Apprentices National Memorial Trust (Registered Charity 1137924) Minutes of the Tenth Annual General Meeting Held at the National Memorial Arboretum. Alrewas, Staffordshire 1300hrs Saturday 11 th May Members Present: Johnny McGahan (Deputy Chairman and NMA Liaison – Harrogate) Steve…Leave a commentEdit
2018 AGM Minutes
Army Apprentices National Memorial Trust (Registered Charity 1137924) Minutes of the Ninth Annual General Meeting Held in the External Marquee, National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas, Staffordshire 13:00hrs Saturday 12th May 2018 Members Present: Johnny McGahan (Deputy Chairman & NMA Liaison –…Leave a commentEdit
2017 AGM
Army Apprentices National Memorial Trust (Registered Charity 1137924) Minutes of the Eighth Annual General Meeting Held at the Founders Room, National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas, Staffordshire 13:00hrs Saturday 6th May 2017 Members Present: David Chapman (Chairman – Arborfield), Johnny McGahan (Deputy…Leave a commentEdit
2016 AGM
9th May 2016 AGM Minutes
2016 AGM Report & Minutes for year ending 31st December 2015 Army Apprentice National Memorial (Registered Charity: 1137924) Minutes of the Sixth Annual General Meeting held at the National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas, Staffs, on 9th May 2016 Army Apprentices National…TrustLeave a commentEdit